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Destinations Abroad - India


Means of transport.

Travelling by train or bus is cheap in India, even by taxi, specially if a few people group together. Be prepared that their most luxurious car is likely to be the most dreadful car you´ll ever travel by. Often a long queue builds up with people waiting for trains, and often there is a separate queue for foreigners.


In Bombay and in Bangalore in South India you can find the restaurant "Mainland China." It's a great place, which can be strongly recommend. As the name implies this is a Chinese restaurant, but with an Indian taste, as one senses from the spices they use. This place is without any hesitation one of the very best Chinese places, which the author has visited.


The guide: "The lonely planet guide to India" provides you with useful and detailed information about accommodation. If you choose to sleep over night in a budget accommodation, you´lll almost certainly meet fellow backpackers, interesting people from the UK, Australia, Israel etc., who might be travelling around India for months, perhaps doing some soul searching. Not a bad way to meet new people.

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